Tuesday 10 June 2008

Duffy Shocked At Her Success

Duffy is shocked at the success she's achieved and revealed that sometimes she wishes she could "hide" away from the fame.

The 'Mercy' hit-maker told MSN, "I feel like I want to hide all the time but I can't, you know? If you really think about you as a person, I think there's always two sides to you."

"There's that person who when you get home at night is tired and wants to go to bed and there's the other side that says 'Oh, I'll just go for one drink'." Added Duffy.

"So it's almost like that. Sometimes I want to hide because I feel very overwhelmed by it all but then there's the other side of me that's so passionate about music, that can't deny that this is something I really want to do."

After gaining high sales for her debut album Rockferry in the UK, the Welsh singer is now enjoying similar success in the US.

"I've been so busy and we've been doing so many places at once that I never sat down with any hope or expectation, you know?" says Duffy. "And really the record is doing its own thing, it's bizarre," she explained. "It's like a steam train that I'm watching and waving off and all I can do is follow it."

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